
Unfinished Business was the last studio recording Jeffrey made. There are only six tracks, hence the name. Mostly a capella. FPDC009 



Ice House is from Jeff's Nevada days, The Jeffrey Frederick Band This is a rocking album that shows off the unique style of his Nevada bands. FPCD01 2002 $10.00

ooh la la...Les Clams is from a hot show at Euphoria. It contains 8 pages of liner notes by Michael Hurley and JimBoyer.

FPCD02 2003 $10.00.

carful of band
Clamtones B.C. is a 2 disc set from a 1976 show at Rohans Rockpile aired on radio in Vancouver B.C. An outrageously good CD representing Jeffrey's talent, his better known tunes, some of his more obscure ones, and many tunes from Have Moicy. FPCD03 2004 $22.

Jeff in Boat

The Resurrection ofSpiders in the Moonlight is the classic desert island album, remastered from the lp and with three bonus tracks giving you a sample of Jeffrey's later work.  FPCD08 $10.00


This is a must-have -- "family" members doing Jeff's songs. Once you put it in your CD player it will not come out. Contributions by Jill Gross, Dave Reisch, Turtle VanDemar, James Low, Billy Kennedy, Bingo, the Lewi Longmeyer band, Lex Browning, Jim Boyer, Jake Ray, Teddy Deane, The Piano Throwers, Lynn Conover, Little Sue, Paul Brainard, Roger North and more. Plus a song about Jeff by Robin Remaily. FPCD11 $10.00


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Out of the blue, we were gifted with this outrageous Clamtones recording from a show at the Dexter Theater, just south of Eugene, Ore in December, 1977. A little engineering magic and here it is. Jeff and Jill are at the top of their game, as is Teddy Deane wailing away on sax. And, special treat, steel guitarist Sneaky Pete Kleinow (Flying Burrito Brothers) adds a whole new dimension to the proceedings. A real gem with some deep cuts that will put a smile on your face and set your feet dancing! Red Newt FPRNCD36  $10.00